Watercolor Words and Wanderings

I have had to most exhausting week-it started with a low grade fever last weekend and has gone down hill from there…in between doctors appointments I wandered into a book store and was surprised to see hundreds of adult coloring books. My partner made the comment that those were for the non-creative people and I found myself defending the movement- “therapy blah-blah”.  After thinking about this for a while I think in way he is right what is wrong with a blank sheet of paper? Why the need to create something that is pretty or nice or even identifiable? If I had a nickle for every person that has told me they can’t draw- I could pay the electric bill this month(inflation). Seriously it pains me to think how many people do not “do art” because they had someone tell them, pick on them or otherwise that they could not draw,paint,sing, etc. Sure great artist probably have an innate ability but most of us just need to put in the time. To practice what bring us joy.

I thought I was done with this painting but after looking at it for a couple of weeks I decided it needed some more work. I will have to show you that work next week as I am locked out of google photos and every other google product currently :). I signed up for better security and I secured my self right out of everything ! More to come- I am also working on a barn picture demo for my watercolor class and a winter scene and the let us not forget the almighty live model sessions week ten. Next week is sure to be packed with art.


On the Media today is a book called Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert. It came out last year and while I would not recommend buying it as it is not particularly well written. I would get it from the library and skim it if you are someone who has always wanted to draw, paint, write, sing. I think you will find a tid bit or two to help you move in that direction. One thing she writes about that has stuck with me is that creative ideas have a life of their own and if they come to us and we do not work with them they will wander off to another artist who makes the time for them. This is interesting to me-and I wonder if it is true. I remember Shawn from grade school she was making these vegetable cartoons characters. As an adult I saw veggie tales and realized that these were Shawn’s characters. I have no idea if she has anything to do with them but I have looked for her name and have not found it yet (she could be using her married name- I hope). I have an idea that has been haunting me and I need to get on it before it moves to another artist. Ok-Over and out for this week- Peace- Becky


3 thoughts on “Watercolor Words and Wanderings

  1. Hey Beck,
    I think the coloring books are not meant to on create art but to act as a kind of stress reduction tool. Kind of like walking a maze. You don’t have to think much, just color in the lines. Sort of zen out.


    1. I think both yours and Ronit’s comment make good sense – I guess it was hitting nerve because of the pressure to produce “pretty” in order to be valued/marketable/acknowledged or maybe even considered “ART”. It is an interesting conversation. I was also TOTALLY surprised at the commercialism that had occurred so quickly-no kidding there were hundreds of them 🙂


  2. I love the idea of the blank paper…AND the coloring book. Both can be rewarding and challenging and have their place. I would hate for anyone to restrain themselves because the blank page is too intimidating, OR the coloring book is too constricting. Let’s love art in all its forms!


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