Watercolor Words and Wanderings


What a great weekend I had at Robert J. O’Brien’s class on painting windows and doors. There were only 4 students so we all had lots of time to get questions answers. At one point I looked up from my paper and the class was discussing cerulean blue and how some brands are more granulating than others. We all thought that so far Winsor&Newton makes the most granulating formula. I LOVE talking shop! The above painting was my back up composition as I was able to get the first one mostly done on Saturday. I came home and drew this one up (incorrectly I might add ) so I would have something to work on during class on Sunday. As it turns out I barely got this one started in class so I came home and finished it. It is from a book called Newfoundland copyright 1987 and the reference photo is by Ben Hanson. The photo is titled Greenspond,Bonavista Bay. I declared it finished because of the bad drawing will only lead to more frustration. I especially like the light reflecting off the stove…I think it is really starting to work.


This is the painting that I spent the majority of my time on. It is The Peter Grubb Hut In The Sierras. The reference photo was taken by my brother Booker. While this in not a particularly “beautiful” painting. I think I was able to capture the space=thanks to guidance from Robert. When you do work in class it is a no-no to exhibit or sell and I can really see why. This has Robert’s fingerprints all over it. I also used gouache – not sure if that is the spelling- for the first time. This was to try to create the opacity in the window glass and the snow that was stuck on the window. It was fun but I think I will stay away from  gouache it seems a little to “gadgetish” to me! Below you can see the third week of live model painting – this is Susie and I am not getting any better- YET! 🙂 Next week I am going to limit my pallet. This week I have to focus on getting my students work ready for their art opening- I hope you have a creative week- Peace- BeckyDSCN1294

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